Wednesday, 30 March 2016

State of the art analaysis - Summary

Doing our state of the art analysis’ we had a broad perspective to try gather as much diverse and useful insights posible to what might be useful for our own project. This made ofcource that common ground for all of them was hard to find but a few topics that was brought up in most was regarding information.

            What information are available for the user?
            Is the information easy accessible?
            Is it well presented?
            Is it useful?

A repeated opinion during the interviews was the frustration when forced to make a choice without any information i.e. when there’s major delays, should one wait for the train or try an alternate itiniary, if so which one? Two of the state of art analyses regarded interaction design based on real-time information and both have shown good results in user satisfaction. The information is often times already acessable for the designers such as precise locations of transport because necessary technology is already in place. The issue lies to transform the data to a user oriented purpose. The most critical information for users must be accurate and easy aviable.

It might also be fair to compare the SL app to more generalized travel applications such as Google maps. What SL lacks is the integration of other means of travel such as riding a bike to the train and when leving the train show a map to the destination wished for. To make the app useful doing things that naturally combines with travel might increase satisfaction with the app.

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