Wednesday 30 March 2016

Interview - Transcript

How often do you commute and which route do you take?
Almost every day between Enskede and SU.

Why do you use the subway and not car/bike etc.?
It’s fast, mostly on time and good for the environment.

What’s most important for you when you’re on the subway?
That it’s on time and that there’s not too much people.

What do you not like about the subway?
When it’s too crowded.

What’s the worst thing that can happen on the subway?
That it’s really, really crowded, so you can’t even move.

What do you like the least about T-centralen and Slussen?
All the people. Especially when you’re trying to change train or go up the escalators.

So how do you feel about the environment? Safety/comfort?
It’s usually fine but people can be loud and rowdy.

What do you do to pass the time when you’re commuting?
I listen to music.

Where do you stand on the platform when you’re waiting?
On the side I need to be on when I get of the sub.

Do you use the sl-app and in that case, for what?
Yes, to find the fastest route. And information about delays. And to find busstops.

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