Monday, 2 May 2016

Summary of Think-Alouds

Everyone used a similar usability test on the prototype in form of answering:
Find the way from T-Centralen to Södermalmstorg using the prototype.

Some main comments from the think- alouds were:
-          App is clear. But there might me some frustrating excessive confirmation.
-          The crowding information should be on the platforms as well.
-          The red and green text should only be green at the word “red” and “green”.

Some of the most emotional reactions from the users of the prototype was that it was working or dong things for you that the “real” app does not. Maybe the prototype was too simple in to get focus on the main features.

The tests was done in a fast mention and without any longer breaks which might indicate that the app doesn't require the highest level of counciouss decisionmaking that interferes with spoken language that Gulan mentioned on his lectures.

The users understood quickly that the trains indicated crowding information but not in which way. The question mark, showing further information of the train icon, was in some case spotted and used but in others not used.  In the case where it was used the reaction was that it was understandable.

For our final design we should probably change the information in the app based on the feed- back and also change the symbols used for lines and exits (discussed in the “övning 5”).

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