Monday 2 May 2016

Think- Aloud - Niklas Lindqvist

The assignment given was to find, with help from the prototype, the fastest way from T-centralen to Södermalmstorg in Stockholm. The user was Anna, a 20 year old student at KTH.

Part 1 - The App

Translated notes:

- Okay, ah, I think i should use this app. I recognize it since i have a similar one on my phone.

(clicks the icon)

-wow! it works. Ill try to write the start point here.

 (clicks upper bar)

-Oh, alright it did it for me. Nice.

(pushes the search button)

-Oh, Okay. I guess I'm done now.

- Oh nice, there is some crowding information I guess (points at the train in the application), and also witch exit i should use.


Q1: What is new in this prototype compared to yours?

- It shows crowding information and exit.

Me: If you press the "?" what happens.

-Oh, okay, it shows me information about the picture of the train, I understand.

Q2: What do you think about the changes?

I like them, i would like to have this in my existing app.

Part 2 - The images

Q3: what do you see in these images?

- I can see the same arrows as the once used in the app. probably pointing towards the exit.. And also that the dots represents the exits at the information sign.

- Oh, i see that the color also show on the map, that is cool. Does this map exist at the stations?

Me/Q4: no, its made in Photoshop. Do you think there are any improvements to be done?

- I would like to see the crowding information on the platform as well, since i do not check my phone every time i travel. Also the red text might be reduced to only the word red. Its a bit to much color i think.  

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