Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Seminar 1 - individual notes

I have a few years experience of working with and around interaction design, therefore — unsurprisingly and somewhat reassuringly — this week's reading did not offer any major revelations for me to reflect on. But I will endeavour with the spirit of the exercise.

The material deals with data gathering, data analysis and requirements discovery, presented in that order and suggesting a work process in that same order. This order is also reinforced by the course project (so far), wherein we first gather data about a group of persons at a "journey-location", and most noteworthy is that this group is chosen for no business or even product-developmental reason, and then we do state-of-the-art analysis of what they might or ought to interact with in relation to the chosen journey-location, still with no concern for business or product. The aspiration is to discover the needs of the group at the journey-location, and from that come up with a design which meets their need, which is interesting though somewhat lofty.

A more practical situation to become accustomed to would be that of the start-up team who knows where their development skills and domain knowledge lies, and from it they agree what product they can make, and therefore have a product-centric approach to gathering data about potential users of their product, then analysing that very relevant data to discover what their product needs to be. Another approach could be that of the business, which has investment in (or at least funding for) a specific business plan, and therefore has a business-centric approach to gather data and so on as in the previous example.

This is of course an iterative process, where better understanding of product leads to better understanding of users and vice versa. Hopefully the project will allow for at least one such repeat iteration..

The literature focuses on ways to gather data that are easy to label and put in a book — interviews, questionnaires and observations, of which the least covered and probably most available and used in software development are indirect observations of usage stats (including A/B testing), and to some degree observations in controlled environments (such as inviting users to the office to be observed when using the product, or sitting with a user at her workplace). There are no assumptions of pre-existing expertise, or of really "becoming a user". (Direct insider observation suggests observing other "real" users as a spy, rather than being a real user and focusing on whatever real users focus on.)

The literature offers well considered approaches for design, such as user-focused design
(building what the users need) and activity-focused design (building what's needed to do the activity), but it should also mention practical considerations e.g. working with what you know, as when designing tools for other developers (as in any API) or when the developers are users and develop what they want to use (as in most open source software). Or the very common "accidental design", which starts out with no design, for the sake of curiosity or development in itself. Only later, if ever, are the edges rounded off for easier use — and such has been the design approach for much of the world's technical innovations, and most if not all high art. (Cf. the KTH insignia "Vetenskap och Konst".)

I was amused by the revelation that the think-aloud protocol is an established technique, something to do consciously, rather than what inevitably happens when you draw interactions on a whiteboard or demo a product/mockup :)

My question for the seminar is how to overcome the Dunning-Kruger effect? — In re-evaluating what one has learned so far about the product/users, in feedback from users/experts, and in those with greater business authority over the design (e.g. managers, executives, shareholders…).

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