Thursday, 25 February 2016

Seminar 1 - Individual notes Niklas Lindqvist

This is a short summary of the chapters regarding data gathering, data analysis and establishing requirements

The first chapter is about Data gathering, where different techniques is explained and discussed. The main gathering techniques for interaction design is interviews, questionnaires and observations.  One of the most interesting parts from the chapter is the five issues that are broth up. These five issues should be taken in account for a data gathering to be successful. In the sub chapter about the interviews we learn the importance of how to construct an interview and how it might affect the result. To choose a Focal group that you want to make a product for and not choose a Focal group that likes your product is clearly shove in this chapter.

In the following chapter the difference between quantitative and qualitative data and analysis. Quantitative data could be summarized to a data that can easily be described in numbers, where qualitative data is data that include descriptions, quotes from interviews, images and more. Also that one data gathering techniques can result in both types of data. This got me thinking, should we maybe expand our data gathering method with questionnaires and more observations?

How to analyse the gathered data is described in different methods, where I find the sub chapter about analyses of qualitative data and the three methods: Grounded theory, Distributed cognition and Activity theory the most interesting due to my personal gathered data being of a qualitative typ.

In the last chapter, establishment of requirements, we learn that it is important to set up requirements for the project such as required gathering, required analysis and in our case required presentation in the form of who our presentation needs to be clear, and just to our ides. 

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